The loophole that allows UK minors to illicitly work for delivery apps

Nov 20, 2023
A recent BBC investigation found that adults and minors alike are able to rent or buy accounts for major delivery apps.
A substitution system allows couriers for services like London-based Deliveroo to share their accounts — and it's on the accountholder to check that their substitute is over 18.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Tyson, Perdue investigated for illegal child labor, report says

A New York Times investigation finds migrant children are illegally working the dangerous job of cleaning slaughterhouses.
Alex Edelman/AFP via Getty Images

As some states lower the age to serve alcohol in restaurants, will teens be put at risk?

Jul 27, 2023
Critics worry that teens could be vulnerable to harassment or underage drinking, but supporters say it creates job opportunities.
Since 2021, seven states have passed laws to lower the minimum age for serving alcohol in restaurants.
Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images

Fast food chains lead in child labor violations

Jun 12, 2023
Department of Labor data show that hundreds of franchises were in violation of laws that protect minors.
Fast food franchises for brands like McDonald's are among the worst offenders, according to Department of Labor data.
David McNew/Getty Images