Stories Tagged as
Small talk: Pink lights, games with cats, Google ads
Jan 22, 2018
The news that didn't quite make the headlines. This week: using pink lights to deter criminals, an interspecies iPad game you can play with your cat, Google replacing ringtones with ads.
This Kickstarter has the most supporters
Kai Ryssdal
Feb 26, 2015
The Kickstarter with the most supporters, at 219,382 people, is a card game called Exploding Kittens.
More people own cats than stock these days
Kai Ryssdal
Sep 9, 2014
Stocking up on cats instead of shares? You're not alone.
Who let the cats out? Russia did.
Kai Ryssdal
Aug 28, 2014
Russia is lending cats out to people taking out mortgages because of Russian lore.
I Can't Believe I Bought That: Cat edition
Jul 11, 2014
David Branccaccio tells a story of his most regretful purchase.
For public good, not for profit.
The most cat and dog friendly states in the US
Kai Ryssdal
Jun 7, 2013
Does your home state prefer the companionship of canines or cats?
Buying coffee, and giving up some privacy
Molly Wood
Aug 9, 2012
The new deal between Starbucks and Square signals a new era of baristas knowing who you are before you enter the store.