An online music service from... BlackBerry?

Aug 19, 2011
Yeah, weird, huh? Research In Motion, parent company of the Berry, is reportedly negotiating contracts with record labels, which would enable users...

Meanwhile, you can get a Samsung Galaxy Tab for free kinda

Aug 19, 2011
That's at Best Buy if you buy a $1500 46-inch 3D TV. They toss in a Galaxy Tab for free. Best Buy says this is more a promotion for the 3D TV than...

RIM takeover seems unlikely

Aug 17, 2011
The New York Times' Dealbook has a kind of interesting look at the fate of RIM, parent company of BlackBerry. Shares of RIM have shot up 10% since...

London riots? Blackberry's fault.

Aug 9, 2011
The London newspaper The Guardian has been monitoring chat about the riots on Blackberry's BBM messaging service and posting newsworthy posts tha...

One-third of iPhone owners think they're on a 4G network

Jul 13, 2011
They're not. Poor dears are confused. According to a new survey by Retrevo, 34% of iPhone owners think that they're on a 4G network. It's likely...

Good news for Android in new Comscore scores

Jul 6, 2011
We get these periodic reports from Comscore that indicate exactly where the trends are going in terms of personal electronics, particularly smartp...

RIP: Verizon's unlimited data package

Jul 6, 2011
If you want to get on Verizon, make sure you do it today or tomorrow. After tomorrow, Verizon will officially moved to tiered data plans. You'll b...

For public good, not for profit.

Yeah, you might want to think twice before buying a Blackberry

Jun 17, 2011
Research In Motion, the company behind Blackberry (the official smartphone of your dad's boss), is having a rough go of it. Its first quarter...

Financial Times circumvents Apple app store to launch app

Jun 8, 2011
Well, this will be fun to watch play out. The oddly colored newspaper Financial times has launched a new app that works on the iPad but doesn't...

Microsoft presents Mango

May 25, 2011
What does it say about Microsoft's position relative to Apple that Microsoft is now naming operating systems after fruit? Coincidence I'm sure....