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Milwaukee locals want to bring Pabst back

Apr 23, 2014
There’s a growing movement afoot to return Pabst from LA to Milwaukee.

Beer: Saving a town from drought

Apr 15, 2014
A brewery steps in when a town's given a grave diagnosis.

St. Patrick O'Nomics

Mar 17, 2014
Businesses are making a lot of green this St. Patrick's Day
Parade goers dressed as leprechauns jumps up and shout as they prepare to attend St Patrick's Day festivities in Dublin

Would you bid on a $1,200 bottle of beer?

Feb 24, 2014
Raising paddles for classic ales, stouts, and IPAs at Skinner auction house.

Beer per minimum wage hour

Feb 7, 2014
Somewhere between economics and happy hour

There are communities where Prohibition still exists, and it's costing them

Dec 5, 2013
More dry counties have been phasing out Prohibition-era laws, in part to attract more businesses.

The buzz on Americans drinking less beer

Aug 15, 2013
According to a recent Gallup poll, only 36 percent of Americans who drink alcohol say that beer is their beverage of choice.

For public good, not for profit.

Cheap beer not as cheap anymore

Jul 4, 2013
As hipsters demand more Pabst Blue Ribbon, restaurants and bars raise prices.

Craft beer might get a Texas-sized boost in Lone Star State

May 17, 2013
Texas lawmakers decide whether to allow craft beer sales at grocery stores and brewery tours. It could mean a big boost for craft breweries.

Budweiser ties one on to boost sales

May 6, 2013
Bud releases a new can today shaped like a bow-tie and tests the theory that packaging alone can pay off.