How LeBron James is changing how athletes are paid

Jul 4, 2014
More athletes are making their money off the court than on it.

Landmark trial begins in NCAA case

Jun 9, 2014
A look at who profits from college basketball, and where that money should go.

For NBA, courting Steve Ballmer could be a strategic move

May 30, 2014
Getting one of the world's richest people to replace Donald Sterling is a big win for the NBA.

How data is changing the game of basketball

Jan 27, 2014
Basketball teams are using GPS trackers and other technology to improve.

Nets, Hawks game underscores NBA's European hopes

Jan 16, 2014
NBA officials have made it clear; they want to expand the brand in Europe.

Consider the basketball: NBA swaps out balls for a new crop

Oct 25, 2013
Spalding is rushing to make basketballs with the new NBA commissioner’s autograph so they’re ready when he takes office.
 A Spalding basketball sits on the court during a stoppage in play between the Orlando Magic and the Charlotte Bobcats at Time Warner Cable Arena
Brian A. Westerholt/Getty Images

NCAA policy hits poor, minority neighborhoods hardest

Jul 8, 2013
An ongoing lawsuit between former and current collegiate athletes and the NCAA bring to light the inherent unfairness in the amateur system.

For public good, not for profit.

Can the NBA sell Obamacare?

Jun 19, 2013
Why would a sports league -- or any business -- want to be identified with the controversial law that provides insurance to the uninsured.

Stern to step down, after transforming NBA's business

Oct 26, 2012
NBA commissioner David Stern will step down in 2014 after 30 years at the league's helm. In that time, it transformed from an also-ran sport into a $5 billion a year business with a global following.

Clyde Drexler on the Dream Team, then and now

Jul 31, 2012
Clyde Drexler was part of the 1992 U.S.A. men's basketball Olympic team, dubbed the "Dream Team." He talks about how the atmosphere then differs from this year's.