Stories Tagged as
Kodak could be in danger of bankruptcy
Eve Troeh
Jan 5, 2012
Kodak could soon be delisted from the NYSE and perhaps even file for bankruptcy. But does that really mean the end of the company?
American Airlines flies into bankruptcy
Bob Moon
Nov 29, 2011
United, US Airways, Delta and Northwest have been there. American’s bankruptcy means fliers will ultimately face fewer choices and higher fares.
Juli Niemann: American Airlines bankruptcy could hurt small cities
Juli Niemann
Nov 29, 2011
American Airlines' bankruptcy is seen as a strategic move to shed debt and come out more competitive, yet analyst Juli Niemann worries that it will harm smaller cities and towns.
American Airlines after Chapter 11
Nov 29, 2011
Airline travel analyst George Hobica discusses American Airlines' legacy and future in light of its bankruptcy filings.
The next steps for American Airlines
Nov 29, 2011
The parent company of American Airlines filed bankruptcy today, but what does that mean for customers and employees in the near future?
American Airlines files for bankruptcy
Nov 29, 2011
The struggling airline has declared bankruptcy after a poor third quarter, but it says it will keep its scheduled flights running.
Mid-day Extra: Saying "adios" to a Mexican food great
Oct 18, 2011
The parent company of El Torito and Chevys Fresh Mex declared bankruptcy earlier this month. But it left a legacy of bringing a regional cuisine to the rest of the country.
For public good, not for profit.
Harrisburg implodes -- what other municipalities are in danger?
Paddy Hirsch
Oct 12, 2011
When I was a lad I decorated my room with a poster of a nuclear mushroom cloud, with "Harrisburg is Everywhere" written in big letters across the...
MID-DAY UPDATE: Sanofi-Aventis buys Genzyme, inflation is up for January
Feb 16, 2011
French pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Aventis announced this morning that it will buy American biotech firm Genzyme -- bringing to end over six...