Stories Tagged as
The "Coppertone Girl" is all grown up
Jul 4, 2017
As a toddler, Cheri Irwin modeled for her mother. It made her rear-end famous.
This artist cuts up cash and uses it for collage
Kai Ryssdal
and Maria Hollenhorst
Apr 7, 2017
Artist Mark Wagner uses U.S. currency to make his intricate collages.
Museums and art galleries: Who's using whom?
May 19, 2016
The relationship between some museums and galleries has changed, and blurred.
Tattoo flash days show industry's growing popularity
Levi Sharpe
Apr 1, 2016
The popularity of tattoo flash days
Amanda Palmer talks digital music for the indie musician
Molly Wood
Dec 10, 2015
Spotify may offer new options for artists. But they may not be right for everyone.
Documenting art on the US-Mexico border
Jenny Ament
Sep 11, 2015
Stefan Falke photographs the vibrant culture along the 2,000-mile divide.
For public good, not for profit.
Selena lives on via hologram
Annie Baxter
Apr 9, 2015
A digital version of deceased Latina singer Selena could be going on tour.
Billboards surprise motorists with art instead of ads
Feb 16, 2015
Artists hope the signs spur conversations about social and political issues.
The daily rituals of creative people
David Gura
Jan 19, 2015
Mason Currey writes about the lifestyle patterns of 161 creative minds.