Cyprus gets a hard line from Germany

Mar 22, 2013
The BBC's Steve Evans in Berlin discuses how Germany and its upcoming elections figure into the situation in Cyprus.

Greece reacts with protests to a visit from Germany's Merkel

Oct 9, 2012
What are Greeks thinking about after a visit from Germany's Chancellor Merkel? Anger, frustration -- and some merriment.

Mass protests in Greece welcome Angela Merkel

Oct 9, 2012
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is in Greece today for her first visit since the European debt crisis began. Greeks aren't laying out the welcome mat though, as masses come out to protest against German-led austerity.

Eurozone awaits news from European Central Bank

Sep 3, 2012
A survey out this morning shows that manufacturing in the eurozone has fallen for the 13th straight month -- not a great start to what will be a big week for the European Debt Crisis. On Thursday, the head of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, is expected to tell us what he meant when he said he'll do "whatever it takes" to save the euro.

PODCAST: Citigroup settles lawsuit, consumer spending rises

Aug 30, 2012
Citigroup pays up for past deeds. Earlier this week, we learned the SEC is investigating Ally Financial for its own mortgage practices around that time.

Angela Merkel visits Beijing

Aug 30, 2012
They're calling it a "trade mission," but one can't help wondering what it might have to do with the debt crisis.

Angela Merkel renews position against euro bonds

Jun 27, 2012
European leaders come together in Brussels tomorrow to allegedly collaborate on the EU's debt problems. But this morning it's shaping up more like a stand-off -- Germany and Italy, in particular, are staking out opposite ends of some key issues.

For public good, not for profit.

Germany continues to push austerity and reform

Jun 14, 2012
The Group of 20 top economic powers meets this weekend to discuss the eurozone debt crisis. German leader, Angela Merkel, has cautioned the region on overestimating Germany's capacity to fix the crisis.

Europe contemplates centralized authority

Jun 4, 2012
It used to be a pipe dream of some European officials just a year ago. Now, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is pushing for a central authority to regulate all the finances of countries that use the euro.

Merkel likely to feel pressure at G8 summit

May 18, 2012
The G8 summit of the world's richest industrialized nation's gets underway this evening at Camp David in Maryland. German Chancellor Angela Merkel could be the center of attention. She's under pressure to get behind stimulus programs for Europe.