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Marketplace for Tuesday, May 29, 2012
May 29, 2012

Marketplace for Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Bluefin tuna carrying radiation from the Fukushima meltdown in Japan have been found off the coast of California, but health authorities say it's no threat to the U.S. food supply. Meanwhile, an advanced malware "flame" has hit the Middle East. In response to recent killings in Houla, several countries -- including the U.S. and Britain -- are kicking out Syrian diplomats. Law firm Dewey & LeBoeuf filed for bankruptcy, marking the largest law firm collapse in U.S. history. We take a look at what lawmaking is being done in Washington during this election year. And Kai Ryssdal talks to humorist Kevin Bleyer about his new book "Me The People" and about rewriting the constitution.

Segments From this episode

Ambitious corporate law firm collapses

May 29, 2012
Dewey & LeBoeuf was the biggest law firm merger. Now it’s one of the largest legal bankruptcies. Wall Street-style pay and borrowing are to blame.

Syria further isolated after latest killings

May 29, 2012
The U.S., Britain and other nations will expel Syrian diplomats after a weekend massacre in the country, but sanctions so far haven’t been effective.

Wesleyan University offers a three-year bachelor's degree

May 29, 2012
The elite -- and expensive -- university looks to give students a break, earning a top degree in less time.

What damage could the Flame virus cause?

May 29, 2012
A new malware threat is spreading like fire across the Middle East. What problems might the cyber weapon Flame cause, where did its name come from, and how similar is it to the virus Stuxnet?

What's up, Europe? Insecurity in Spain

May 29, 2012
Although Spanish culture frowns upon talking about money, a financial crisis there is teaching everyone a little more about economics.

Ferrari to release a hybrid car

May 29, 2012
It'll cost upwards of $850,000. So what's the payback period going to be?

'Daily Show' writer overhauls the U.S. constitution

May 29, 2012
Humorist Kevin Bleyer attempts to rewrite the document -- and provide a bit of history -- in his new book, "Me the People."

Radiated tuna splashes up in California

May 29, 2012
A bluefin tuna has carried radioactive contamination that leaked from Japan's crippled nuclear plant to the shores of the United States 6,000 miles away. But health authorities say it's no threat to the U.S. food supply.

What's not getting done in Washington

May 29, 2012
There's a long list of legislative issues on hold. Blame the upcoming election.

Bluefin tuna carrying radiation from the Fukushima meltdown in Japan have been found off the coast of California, but health authorities say it’s no threat to the U.S. food supply. Meanwhile, an advanced malware “flame” has hit the Middle East. In response to recent killings in Houla, several countries — including the U.S. and Britain — are kicking out Syrian diplomats. Law firm Dewey & LeBoeuf filed for bankruptcy, marking the largest law firm collapse in U.S. history. We take a look at what lawmaking is being done in Washington during this election year. And Kai Ryssdal talks to humorist Kevin Bleyer about his new book “Me The People” and about rewriting the constitution.

Music from the episode

Delicious Tears Antn Hrkwk
Weird Sebadoh
Reality RJD2