Segments From this episode

Can North Korea be dissuaded?

Oct 9, 2006
Host Kai Ryssdal speaks with Mike Chinoy of the Pacific Council for International Policy about the economic implications of North Korea's nuclear testing claims — and whether economic sanctions might work.

Sold! Google buys YouTube

Oct 9, 2006
Google bought video sharing site YouTube for $1.65 billion today. Critics of the deal say it could cost them that much in copyright lawsuits, but other deals today make that less likely. Janet Babin explains.

New inflation thinking captures Nobel Prize

Oct 9, 2006
Columbia University professor Edmund Phelps won the Nobel Prize for Economics this morning for his study of inflation and how it relates to unemployment. Scott Tong has the story.

Dolans want Cablevision off the market

Oct 9, 2006
The family that controls Cablevision is trying to take the company private again. Their last attempt failed, but this time the Dolans are back with a higher offer and a simpler plan. Amy Scott reports.

Retiring 'An Army of One'

Oct 9, 2006
The Army's announcing a new slogan today: "Army Strong." It's part of a $200 million advertising campaign to convince young Americans to sign up with Uncle Sam. Hillary Wicai reports.

Fighting for customers in Lebanon

Oct 9, 2006
Small businesses dominate Lebanon's economy. Cutthroat competition was already the rule, but after war devastated the country's peak tourism season, the struggle to survive has become desperate. Ben Gilbert reports.

A different way of doing business

Oct 9, 2006
Host Kai Ryssdal visits Sun Microsystems founder Scott McNealy in the latest Conversation from the Corner Office. McNealy talks about how his company has been able to compete with Microsoft and IBM on a much smaller budget.