Washington is getting all hot and bothered about health care again, but we're gonna keep our eye on the ball and start our show with the Fed, which is meeting this week. There's going to be a tea leaf reading, and some dot plot reading too. Then: We've been reporting a lot lately on hate groups and where they find homes online. Since Charlottesville, there's been more awareness of these groups, and they've been expelled from a lot of services, but that hasn't stopped other businesses from filling in the gap. Plus: In LA's gentrifying Boyle Heights neighborhood, mariachis struggle to pay rent near a plaza named for them.
Washington is getting all hot and bothered about health care again, but we’re gonna keep our eye on the ball and start our show with the Fed, which is meeting this week. There’s going to be a tea leaf reading, and some dot plot reading too. Then: We’ve been reporting a lot lately on hate groups and where they find homes online. Since Charlottesville, there’s been more awareness of these groups, and they’ve been expelled from a lot of services, but that hasn’t stopped other businesses from filling in the gap. Plus: In LA’s gentrifying Boyle Heights neighborhood, mariachis struggle to pay rent near a plaza named for them.