Segments From this episode

Are America's days as top dog numbered?

May 24, 2007
Forecasters believe that China will outstrip the U.S. as the globe's top manufacturer in just a dozen years. But China's growing domestic market could even things out in the long run. Jeremy Hobson reports.

Old violins and other hedge funds

May 24, 2007
Wealthy investors are running out of things to buy and that's created a market for some unusual hedge funds. They don't always make it off the ground, but the violin fund may actually be going places, says James Mackintosh.

Burberry's upsizing its American outfit

May 24, 2007
The British fashion house famous for its black, white and red check is ready to launch a rapid expansion in the States. American shoppers can look forward to 10 new Burberry retail stores this year, Stephen Beard reports.

Sports leagues get tough on crime

May 24, 2007
As athletes continue to make headlines for crimes and other behavior not befitting their role model status, pro sports leagues are starting to tighten the reigns of player conduct. But real change will come slowly, says David Carter.

Bringing 'ecomagination' to life, sort of...</p>

May 24, 2007
Manufacturing giant GE is touting its green credentials, saying sales of energy-friendly products are on the rise. But what about those still-dirty diesel locomotives? The company says it's taking a "balanced" approach.

Private equity tax loophole, take two

May 24, 2007
Robert Reich got a lotta mail about his suggestion to tax private equity earnings as income. Seems folks think fund managers would just move that money offshore instead. He says if that's the case, they should follow their cash and get the heck out.

No place like Home Depot shareholder meetings

May 24, 2007
Home Depot holds its annual shareholder meeting in Atlanta this morning. Last year's was one of the most, well, we'll call it "interesting" of all time. Can the new CEO whip the meeting and the company back into shape? Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Texas tackles a ticket tax

May 24, 2007
The state of Texas wants to test high school athletes for steroids. Trouble is, lawmakers there can't agree on how to cover the costs and a proposal to tax football and basketball tickets isn't winning over a lot of fans. Jill Barshay reports.

Everybody listens to Greenspan, except China

May 24, 2007
Alan Greenspan yesterday warned that he fears China's skyrocketing stock market is due for a dramatic correction. That sent prices down on Wall Street and in Europe, but investors in Shanghai barely seemed to notice.

Clarifying working parents' rights

May 24, 2007
The EEOC issued new guidelines yesterday on what might constitute illegal discrimination against workers with family obligations. The agency hopes the guidelines will help people balance family and work life, Pat Loeb reports.