03/27/2018: What can the Federal Trade Commission actually make Facebook do?
Mar 27, 2018

03/27/2018: What can the Federal Trade Commission actually make Facebook do?


(Markets Edition) The pressure on Facebook just keeps growing, with the Federal Trade Commission investigating whether the social media giant is properly handling its users' information. We'll talk to a former FTC policy adviser about what the agency can actually make Facebook do, and whether the company will have to change its basic business model. Afterwards, we'll look at why consumer confidence levels and actual consumer spending might not always line up, and then we'll explore how fashion startups are banking on shoppers' desire for individuality rather than mass market trends. 

Segments From this episode

Fashion startups bet on thirst for individuality over mass market trends

Mar 27, 2018
Online retailers peddling a customized shopping experience.
Michelle Reeves introduces shoppers to the new Accessory Junkie collection. 
Julia Pickar/ for Marketplace

Consumer spending lags confidence

Mar 27, 2018
Americans say they’re optimistic about the economy. But stores aren’t seeing it in sales numbers, yet. Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 

(Markets Edition) The pressure on Facebook just keeps growing, with the Federal Trade Commission investigating whether the social media giant is properly handling its users’ information. We’ll talk to a former FTC policy adviser about what the agency can actually make Facebook do, and whether the company will have to change its basic business model. Afterwards, we’ll look at why consumer confidence levels and actual consumer spending might not always line up, and then we’ll explore how fashion startups are banking on shoppers’ desire for individuality rather than mass market trends.