Kai Ryssdal

Host and Senior Editor


Kai is the host and senior editor of “Marketplace,” the most widely heard program on business and the economy — radio or television, commercial or public broadcasting — in the country. Kai speaks regularly with CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, startup entrepreneurs, small-business owners and everyday participants in the American and global economies. Before his career in broadcasting, Kai served in the United States Navy and United States Foreign Service. He’s a graduate of Emory University and Georgetown University. Kai lives in Los Angeles with his wife and four children.

Latest Stories (5,794)

Twitter chatter predicts DOW performance, analysts say

Oct 20, 2010
This final note today, in which I once again bow down to the greater wisdom of Twitter. I know, I know; I've said it before, but this time it co...

A profit at Goldman Sachs?

Oct 19, 2010
A final note on the way out this afternoon. We started today with Bank of America's earnings. The country's biggest bank has set aside more than 5...

Sitting at work bad for your health?

Oct 18, 2010
This final note today... We've got a couple of people around the Marketplace office who've got those standing desks. You know, the ones that are ...

Justin Bieber: economic savant?

Oct 15, 2010
This final note today. Our special correspondent David Brancaccio took the high road yesterday. He declined to subject you to Justin Beiber....

Oakley recieves a projected cool $41 mil thanks to Chilean miners

Oct 14, 2010
This final note today. A Marketplace angle on the Chilean mine rescue. Specifically, the sunglasses they were all wearing when they came up. CNB...

A slice of pizza with a side of flattery

Oct 13, 2010
This final note today. We saw an article about this, a pizza chain in England this morning. Apparently, it's hired a trained classical actor to...

"Djibouti" by Elmore Leonard

Oct 13, 2010
Read chapter one of Elmore Leonard's newest book "Djibouti," published by Harper Collins. The novel follows an award-winning documentary filmmaker to the Horn of Africa to film Somali pirates at work.

Gap's design blunder and what to do with all those leftover vuvuzelas

Oct 12, 2010
Out with the new, in with the old. Gap does about face on logo redesign. These final notes today. Gap has dumped it's new logo. In other news, d...

Red means you're fired

Oct 11, 2010
This final note today. Getting fired is bad enough, but finding out from a traffic light? File this one under Human Relations horror stories:...

Is that game worth watching?

Oct 7, 2010
This final note today. A true story: I was on my way home last night, listening to my public radio station, when the local All Things Considered...