Daryl Paranada

Associate Web Producer, Marketplace


Daryl Paranada is a former associate web producer for Marketplace, during which he oversaw all daily website content and production, and produced multimedia features and special projects. He also filmed, edited and produced the popular economic explainer video series, Marketplace Whiteboard, hosted by Paddy Hirsch. Paranada's multimedia work has been featured via Marketplace Money collaborations with The New York Times, the Marketplace Minute as well as projects like “Lot 354: Anatomy of the Housing Crisis,” and “Bailout: Follow the Money,” a special report tracking the disbursement and repayment of government bailout funds.

Paranada joined Marketplace in 2008 during the height of the financial crisis and has worked with every Marketplace program. Prior to Marketplace, he wrote and reported for diverse news organizations such as Mother Jones, Los Angeles CityBeat, The Huffington Post, Us Weekly and The Cape Argus Tonight in South Africa. Paranada has also worked closely with students as an editorial assistant at the Constitutional Rights Foundation and a volunteer at the nonprofit writing and tutoring center 826LA. Paranada reported on the 2008 presidential election through a News21 fellowship from the Carnegie Corporation and Knight Foundation. He also participated in the 2010 Fulbright Berlin Capital Program, which enabled him to partake in a series of seminars and visits to German media, political and cultural institutions.

He holds a master’s degree in journalism from the University of Southern California and bachelor’s degrees in English and communications from the University of California, Davis. A native of Vallejo, Calif., Paranada currently resides in Los Angeles where he enjoys playing tennis, listening to music and traveling.

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