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InBev threatens to get hostile

Jul 2, 2008
Stella Artois parent InBev is warning Anheuser-Busch that it could get hostile. Stephen Beard reports InBev is prepared to make an appeal directly to shareholders, some who are receptive to the company's bid.

A very big pot of Irish gold

Jul 2, 2008
An exploration company has discovered a huge gold mine in Ireland which could be the biggest ever found in the British Isles. Joe Zefran reports the mine will create 600 new jobs and take three to four years to open.

Wal-Mart confronts working suits

Jul 2, 2008
A Minnesota judge ordered Wal-Mart to pay $6.5 million yesterday for labor law violations. But Jeremy Hobson reports the case is just one in 70 lawsuits around the country alleging the same issues.

Government only helps wage disparity

Jul 2, 2008
In a new report, the United Nations points out that governments need to take more action against economic inequality. But commentator Will Wilkinson says the government plays a big role in maintaining that disparity.

Letters from our listeners

Jul 2, 2008
Host Bob Moon reads listener comments on a few of our recent stories. This week: the future of food, artificial lawns, Medicare costs and a defense of disco

Consumers hanging up on landlines

Jul 2, 2008
A growing number of consumers are saying bye-bye to their landline phones in favor of the portability and convenience of cell phones. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Europe wants American tourists back

Jul 1, 2008
Bad exchange rates have the number of Americans visiting Europe dropping, but the travel industry is preparing its response. Stephen Beard reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Paychecks stretch instead of grow

Jul 1, 2008
To find the real reason for low economic confidence, follow the money. Commentator Jared Bernstein says a lack of pay increases is keeping workers struggling.

A Bigger Mortgage?

Jul 1, 2008
Question: Hi Chris! (please withhold my name if you use - thanks!)... I am 36 years old and about to marry for the first time (my fiancé is also...

Tainted tomatoes remain a mystery

Jul 1, 2008
Tomato growers have millions and consumers are shaken, but there are still no answers. Host Bob Moon asks analyst J.D. Hanson why there's been no word on the source of the outbreak.