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Wanna buy an NFL team?

Jul 17, 2008
Owners of three National Football League teams are looking to make deals that will get them out of complicated financial situations. Host Kai Ryssdal talks with Sports Business Journal's Daniel Kaplan about whether the owners will get thrown for a loss.

Making political points, not profits

Jul 17, 2008
With 2,000 left-of-center bloggers descending on Austin, Texas, this week for a gathering called Netroots Nation, we asked Marketplace's John Dimsdale to look into whether political blogging has profit-making potential.

Clinton targets cost of malaria meds

Jul 17, 2008
Anti-malarial drugs can be so expensive that people with the disease go untreated. Former President Bill Clinton's foundation has struck a deal that would limit the cost of the drugs. Janet Babin reports.

Can IndyMac customers get a break?

Jul 17, 2008
Many depositors with the troubled IndyMac bank had to wait in line for hours this week to get their money out. They finally got cashiers checks, but it turns out other banks aren't in a hurry to cash them. Jeff Tyler reports.

The best kind of bad news

Jul 17, 2008
JPMorgan and its peers had lousy quarters, but bank stocks are on the rise today. Why? Because things weren't quite as bad as everybody guessed they'd be. Steve Henn explains.

Greenspanism Is Good?

Jul 17, 2008
Right now, its popular to blame Greenspan and the Fed for what ails the economy. Just read the screeds coming out of the editorial page of the Wall...

Libel cases flourish overseas

Jul 17, 2008
U.S. free speech protections make it difficult to win a libel case, so more plaintiffs are practicing libel tourism -- suing overseas in a court friendlier to their cases. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Champagne rises above the markets

Jul 17, 2008
If you had your money invested in vintage champagne, you'd be tempted to pop open a few bottles. Why is the bubbly stuff outperforming major financial indexes? Stephen Beard reports.

Natural gas prices set to spike

Jul 17, 2008
High oil prices are driving up demand for natural gas, meaning some customers could be spending as much as 40 percent more to heat their homes this winter. Mitchell Hartman reports.

House to oil companies: Use it or lose it

Jul 17, 2008
The House is pursuing legislation that would push oil companies to drill on land they own but haven't tapped yet, before purchasing any new oil leases. Sam Eaton reports.