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Convention donors have no limits

Aug 20, 2008
Campaign finance laws may limit the donations lawmakers can accept, but companies and unions can give as much as they want for conventions. Steve Henn looks into how much sponsors can get for a million dollars.

A slew of glitches for iPhone

Aug 20, 2008
From weak or inconsistent signals to dropped calls and poor battery life, Apple has been dealing with a bunch of problems since rolling out its latest iPhone. Jeff Tyler reports why it needs to work these out fast.

Traffic is lighter in a bad economy

Aug 20, 2008
Traffic deaths in the United States reached their lowest level in more than a decade last year, but no major change have been made to our cars or highways. Commentator Robert Reich says it's because of the economy.

Using technology to grow more food

Aug 20, 2008
Hugh Grant is the head of Monsanto, which creates technology to increase harvests. It's also the world's biggest producer of genetically modified seeds. Grant talks about the controversial topic of technology and food.

DIY books turn a page in publishing

Aug 19, 2008
The novel is not dead. Nor is any other kind of book. Self-publishing technology has empowered wanna-be writers -- no matter how strange their pitch. Cash Peters checks out the DIY crowd at a book expo in LA.

Making that pink slip sound better

Aug 19, 2008
The forcefully unemployed now have a new way to spin their misfortune into something admirable. Just say you're a freelancer. Commentator -- and freelance writer -- Megan Hustad weighs in on the trend.

For public good, not for profit.

College Board studying 8th grade PSAT

Aug 19, 2008
You're never too young to get an ulcer. The College Board is planning to roll out a new college assessment exam for eighth graders in 2010. Marketplace's Janet Babin reports.

Vioxx trial was marketing ploy

Aug 19, 2008
A Merck & Co. study of Vioxx that recruited 600 doctors to prescribe the drug was actually a marketing strategy, researchers say. Host Kai Ryssdal looks at how widespread the practice is.

NATO and Russia in war of words

Aug 19, 2008
NATO wagged a finger at Russia today, warning that the invasion of Georgia was jeopardizing Russia's relationship with NATO. Russia's response was stern. From London, Steven Beard has the story.