Andy Uhler



Andy Uhler is the former Texas-based reporter for Marketplace, based in Austin.

He joined Marketplace team from the Texas Standard, an hour-long news program produced at KUT in Austin, Texas. Prior to that, he was a natural resources policy analyst at the Texas Legislature as part of a global policy studies master’s program at the University of Texas at Austin. He was also the senior producer for the music journalism program Texas Music Matters, and he worked as a co-host for NPR Music’s festival coverage.

Andy's reporting tended to focus on the energy industry and agriculture in Texas. Every now and again, though, he got to report on sports. When that happened, don't be surprised if the Dallas Cowboys, Texas Rangers or Dallas Mavericks entered the conversation.

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Boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr. (L) and MMA figher Connor Mcgregor pose during a media press conference on Wednesday at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada. 

Exxon's public statements about climate change were misleading, Harvard study shows

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Keystone Features/Getty Images

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Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images

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Carsten Koall/Getty Images

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Andy Uhler/Marketplace