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Dissecting the auto industry pileup

Dec 30, 2008
You may have heard that the automobile industry got into a bit of trouble this year. Kai Ryssdal speaks with Alisa Roth about what went on in Detroit and what's yet to come.

Who's paying for those holiday sales?

Dec 30, 2008
Lots of stores offered deep discounts on merchandise to lure shoppers this holiday season. But who will pay the price for those door-busting sales -- retailers or the companies who made the merchandise? Janet Babin reports.

Home prices continue to drop

Dec 30, 2008
The latest housing statistics are out, and they're pretty dismal. The Standard & Poor's Case-Shiller housing index dropped 18 percent in October from a year ago, a record fall. It's the 27th month in a row the housing index has posted losses. Sarah Gardner reports.

What the GMAC bailout means for GM

Dec 30, 2008
GMAC, the financial arm of General Motors, received a $6 billion bailout from the Treasury Department. Now General Motors is offering 5-year, no-interest loans to prospective car buyers with low credit scores in hopes of boosting sales. But as Bob Moon reports, the government bailout could cause trouble for General Motors down the road.

Trouble for clean tech investment

Dec 30, 2008
Investment in alternative energy has stabilized despite the current recession. But investors are worried "clean tech" could be in trouble next year. Sam Eaton reports all eyes are on the Obama administration.

The rise and fall of Gazprom

Dec 30, 2008
Russian natural gas giant Gazprom thrived in the first half of the year, but fell sharply from July on. Stephen Beard reports Gazprom's year ahead is looking grim.

Carmakers strategize for new year

Dec 30, 2008
As the auto industry looks ahead towards the next 12 months, even strong foreign companies have to readjust their original profit forecasts. Steve Chiotakis reviews carmakers' 2009 outlook with Marketplace's Alisa Roth.

For public good, not for profit.

Packed doctors' offices aren't healthy

Dec 30, 2008
As the year ends, doctors' offices are filling up with patients cramming in last-minute visits after they've met their annual deductible. Danielle Karson reports how this affects the quality of patient care.

GMAC now part of the bank bailout

Dec 30, 2008
Since GMAC was allowed to become a stand-alone bank, the Bush administration has included it in the bank bailout. Steve Henn explains how the finance arm of General Motors started expanding service beyond car loans.

Confidence could take another year

Dec 30, 2008
The start of a new year is a great time to adopt a positive attitude, and no one needs that boost now more than consumers. But building up consumer confidence again could take awhile. Bob Moon reports 2009 will be a year of recovery.