In uncertain times, the prepper supply business is booming

Sep 27, 2024
With the uncertainty of the upcoming presidential election stoking fear on both sides, doomsday prepping is taking off.
A person grabs a handful of emergency drinking water pouches at the California Surplus Mart, which sells survival gear.
Michael Robinson Chavez/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

A diverse group will address inequity in Ferguson

Dec 1, 2014
Commission is given a big task: Make the region a “fairer place for everyone to live.”

Amid protests over film, U.S. ambassador to Libya killed

Sep 12, 2012
The U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other diplomats have been killed in protests in Benghazi. Religious extremists stormed the U.S. consulate there. A controversial anti-Islamic video, posted on YouTube, was the catalyst for the attack. That has put YouTube and it's owner Google in an uncomfortable position.

MID-DAY UPDATE: Oil prices concern consumers, HBO taps job-strapped market

Mar 3, 2011
Unrest in Libya continues, and as stranded workers wait to return to their countries, Britain and France have volunteered aircraft to evacuate...

For public good, not for profit.

Mid-day Update: Oil prices surge with unrest in Libya, Egyptian businesses reopen

Feb 21, 2011
Over the weekend, businesses, schools, banks and museums reopened for business in Egypt. Many businesses offered deep discounts to encourage...