Cyberbullying exists but is less common than regular bullying

Nov 9, 2011
A lot has been made of cyberbullying, kids pushing each other around online in social networks or by direct messaging. A new Pew report indicates...

So long and thanks for the memories

Nov 9, 2011
Adobe announced yesterday that it will stop developing Flash for mobile devices, instead opting to focus on HTML5. Desktop development will...

Barnes & Noble goes after Microsoft

Nov 9, 2011
Barnes & Noble has asked the government to investigate Microsoft, saying that the software giant is unfairly trying to corner the mobile market...

"We'll have Netflix and Pandora too, you guys, just like Nook Tablet" -

Nov 9, 2011
That might not be a verbatim quote but it's the basic message of a statement put out yesterday by Amazon, presumably in response to the...

Now you can live through a Star Wars Episode 1 robot through TELEXISTENCE

Nov 8, 2011
As discussed on our Wednesday show, now you can see and hear and feel everything that the robot you control does. Wha? Yeah! Huh? Whoa!

Ever heard of KPN?

Nov 8, 2011
No? Your computer probably has. Until yesterday, the Dutch firm was on a relatively short list of companies that issue SSL certificates....

For public good, not for profit.

Charlie blows the whistle on Apple, gets kicked off Apple

Nov 8, 2011
Security firm Accuvant Labs says it's exposed a potential flaw in Apple apps, which would allow hackers to take over iPhones and other devices...

Oregonians voting by iPad today

Nov 8, 2011
It's the first Election Day to be held under a new program aimed at helping voters who require extra assistance. Election officials equipped with...

Bricks & mortar vs. bits & bytes in online sales tax fight

Nov 8, 2011
Politico has a rundown on the sides being chosen up in the latest showdown over sales tax being collected online. The dividing lines won't shock...