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AMT battle comes down to red and blue

Nov 8, 2007
The Alternative Minimum Tax was once meant to make sure millionaires couldn't skip through loopholes. But now it's hitting the middle class, mostly in Democratic-leaning states. And commentator Jeff Birnbaum says the politics of fixing it speaks volumes.

No more tax-exempt in-state bonds?

Nov 5, 2007
The Supreme Court hears a case today that will decide whether it's legal for states to exempt in-state bond interest from income tax while taxing out-of-state bonds. Jeremy Hobson reports.

Tax man catches up to car-sharing

Nov 1, 2007
Drivers who use car-sharing services in the state of Washington will now have to pay almost 10% in car-rental taxes. Users call it a penalty on doing right by the environment. Cathy Duchamp reports.

An AMT patch for a pay-go promise

Nov 1, 2007
Congressman Charles Rangel proposed a one-year patch for the alternative minimum tax to save taxpayers from a rate hike. But Jeremy Hobson reports it could threaten the Democrats' promise of pay-as-you-go spending.

Rangel offers massive tax-reform bill

Oct 25, 2007
The Democratic chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Charles Rangel, has introduced a tax-reform bill that would lower taxes for 91 million families and overhaul the entire tax code to the tune of almost a trillion dollars. Steve Henn reports.

High taxes cause creative evasion

Oct 17, 2007
Brazilian authorities have raided Cisco offices and several homes on allegations the company evaded millions in taxes. Dan Grech reports the raids point to Brazil's bigger problem with high corporate taxes.

The Taxman cometh for real this time

Oct 15, 2007
Today is the deadline for people who filed for a tax extension in April. But Alisa Roth reports that many of them have yet to pay up -- and thanks to the current economy, it may take them even longer.

For public good, not for profit.

A move to overpower The New Deal

Oct 12, 2007
Paul Krugman's new book, "The Conscience of a Liberal," considers a group determined to take over the Republican party and Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. Doug Krizner discusses a gamut of issues with the author.

R.I.P. for AMT

Oct 11, 2007
Republicans and Democrats agree -- the Alternative Minimum Tax must go. But while Republicans have unveiled a plan to eliminate it, Democrats say it should just be replaced. Steve Tripoli reports.

Buzzword: Internet tax

Sep 28, 2007
A combination of words that have surely struck you with dread. No, you didn't read wrong. Enjoy your last days of duty-free browsing...