Are concerns about cyber war too sensationalist?

Sep 18, 2013
One author says our fears are misplaced.

Jordan hosts Syrian refugees but feels the strain

Sep 12, 2013
Millions of Syrian refugees have fled into Jordan and the economic strain may be proving to be too much for the host country.

The cost of dismantling chemical weapons in Syria

Sep 11, 2013
It looks increasingly likely that Syria will surrender its chemical weapons. But that process isn't as simple as it seems.

Why Russia is so loyal to Syria

Sep 11, 2013
Military ties are one big reason why Russia remains steadfast in its loyalty to Syria.

Why trouble in little Syria has a big effect on oil markets

Sep 10, 2013
Syria doesn't produce much oil. But the Middle Eastern country's issues are having a big effect on the market for crude.

What would cyber warfare with Syria look like?

Sep 5, 2013
No 'boots on the ground' for now, but what about cyber warfare with Syria?

For public good, not for profit.

Syria weighs on economic focus of G-20 summit

Sep 4, 2013
The meeting of the world's top 20 economies has a broad agenda for addressing global economic concerns, but Syria looms as a point of tension between the U.S. and Russia, the conference's host.

Where is it? Lawmakers complain aid hasn't made it to Syria

Sep 4, 2013
Congress asks Secretary of State John Kerry what became of the military aid promised to Syrian rebels. The short answer? It’s complicated.

Who provides Syria's poison gas?

Sep 3, 2013
A number of European nations provided Syria with the materials needed to make its poison gas. Many of these materials have innocent uses, however. Even so, rules about exports are stricter now though than previously.