GOP-friendly super PACs can now focus money on Obama

Apr 11, 2012
Rick Santorum's exit from the GOP primary race means the super PAC money that kept his presidential bid alive will now likely be spent on anti-Obama attack ads.

Bankers jump on Super PAC bandwagon

Apr 5, 2012
Friends of Traditional Banking wants to target a few close Congressional elections rather than spreading their money around to a lot of politicians hoping they'll vote in their interests.

Campaign fundraising, pre- and post-primaries

Apr 3, 2012
How history has led to how recent electoral caucuses are run, and the waning influence of the super PACs in the coming general elections.

Super PACs = Long primaries + big $ for local media

Mar 6, 2012
The extended, expensive GOP primary race could help state primaries that never mattered before, in big media markets like California and New York.

VIDEO: Super PAC Mad Libs

Mar 6, 2012
Political cartoonist Mark Fiore lampoons the rise of the Super PAC in this short video animation

Super PAC money no help building campaign organizations

Mar 5, 2012
Super PACs are not allowed to spend the millions they take in on campaign organizations. Some cash-rich Super Tuesday candidates were so organization poor they couldn't collect enough signatures to get on ballots in all ten states.

Super PAC money keeps candidates afloat longer

Feb 29, 2012
Unlimited political campaign donations from super PACs are keeping struggling GOP candidates like Newt Gingrich in this year's presidential primaries longer than they might have survived in past elections.

For public good, not for profit.

Super PAC spending in Michigan and beyond

Feb 21, 2012
Republican presidential candidates are spending millions on the state's airwaves. But those ads are more and more often not being paid for by official campaigns but by giant political action committees -- super PACs.

Where do campaign donations go?

Feb 20, 2012
Wealthy donors who contribute to political campaigns get lots of media attention -- but not nearly as much attention is paid to how that money gets spent.

Concentrated super PAC money grows

Feb 10, 2012
Political campaign donations through super PACs are more concentrated than ever. Fewer rich donors are giving increasingly greater amounts to their chosen candidates, and it's raising new concerns about big money influencing elections.