World markets: Winners and losers in 2011

Dec 30, 2011
The past year wasn’t kind to those with money in the Greek market, but Zambian investors are laughing all the way to the bank.

Markets hoping that EU deal goes through as planned

Dec 9, 2011
The EU plan still has to be ratified, and if the deal collapses, it could hit everything from the stock markets to the job outlook for Americans.

Monday morning, you sure look fine

Nov 28, 2011
The markets hit a November high, with the key indexes up between 2 and 3 percent all day. Driven by news that the European Union may have a new plan to contain its debt crisis and record holiday retail sales over the weekend, investors came out of their tryptophan haze, saying "Buy!"

Iraq Stock Exchange tries to diversify from oil

Nov 15, 2011
Iraq's stock market -- like the rest of the country -- prepares for life in 2012, after U.S. forces withdraw from the country.

Glug glug glug - cash drains out of stocks

Sep 19, 2011
Money continues to flow out of the stock market. A report by Bloomberg News today cites research by the Investment Company Institute and EPFR...

TELL US: How do you talk yourself down from the financial ledge?

Aug 12, 2011
On this week's show, Carl Richards, he's a certified financial planner and New York Times contributor, said that he often makes this suggestion to...

For public good, not for profit.

Apple becomes the most valuable publicly traded company -- for a few hours

Aug 9, 2011
This final note on the way out. There was a brief rip in the economic space time continuum today. Don't know if you felt it. Long about mid-day,...