You love my job: JPL's Bobak Ferdowsi

Sep 12, 2014
NASA's mohawk guy sounds like he has a dream job, but his days in the office are a lot like the terrestrial jobs on earth.

DARPA looks to biotechnology for next innovations

Mar 31, 2014
An interview on how DARPA is adapting to a changing tech landscape

Scientists quit their day jobs, head over to YouTube

Dec 3, 2013
Now that top science channels get hundreds of millions of views on YouTube, there's potential for savvy scientists to earn big money.

'Orange slime' used for fighting fires heats debate

Oct 29, 2013
To help fight wildfires, officials often dump orange fire retardant from planes. But some Forest Service employees argue the substance doesn't work as promised.

He's just your normal teenager. Except he's also a cancer researcher.

Sep 9, 2013
Jack Andraka is just a teenager. But he's already made revolutionary innovations in cancer detection.

How to speed up plane boarding? Ask an astrophysicist

Aug 19, 2013
Airlines endlessly try to engineer procedures to speed up boarding and reduce costly delays. A scientist thinks he has the solution.

A real life 'quantum leap'

Jun 14, 2013
Chinese scientists say they have bounced single photons of an orbiting satellite and detected them back on on the Earth's surface. Next step, quantum teleportation.

For public good, not for profit.

Bill Nye on mining asteroids, space, and spreading science PB&J

Jun 10, 2013
Bill Nye the Science Guy discusses asteroid science, space exploration, and why not everyone needs to become an engineer.

What will it take to make tornado prediction better?

May 21, 2013
Prediction for tornadoes like the one in Moore, Okla., has gotten pretty good. Building thousands of new radar stations would make it better.

This burger brought to you by a test tube

May 21, 2013
Dutch scientists will shortly unveil a burger that uses meat grown at great expense in a laboratory. Growing meat is more efficient in the long-term, but people may not take to it.