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A fund to invest more in rural infrastructure

Jul 24, 2014
The Department of Agriculture is partnering with the private sector to launch a new investment fund.

How much help do rural schools in your state need?

May 20, 2014
A new report tracks how states support education in rural districts — and which states need to do more.

Hospitals save money by doing surgery for free

May 6, 2014
Some hospitals have come up with a counterintuitive way to save money: offer minor surgery for free.

Why some rural patients wait all night to get a tooth pulled

Apr 29, 2014
For many low-income, rural Americans, healthcare needs are still not being met.

When rural hospitals close, towns struggle to stay open

Apr 10, 2014
Rural hospitals are closing at a rate that’s starting to get some politicians’ attention.

Rural schools are struggling to keep the lights on

Jan 25, 2014
When rural families leave to search for better jobs, schools scramble to make cuts -- and may even shut down.

Rural Americans have fewer - and costlier - healthcare options

Jan 23, 2014
Under the ACA, folks in rural towns seem to have the fewest healthcare choices. And they cost more to boot.

For public good, not for profit.

Looking at small town America, from a small plane

Aug 12, 2013
News coverage often tends to miss out on what's going on in small town America. A new project from The Atlantic and Marketplace hopes to remedy that problem.

American Futures: Travels with Jim and Kai

Aug 1, 2013
A joint special project from The Atlantic and Marketplace looking at how the global economy is reshaping small town America.

The effort to keep the small town doctor around

Mar 16, 2012
As more and more people move to urban areas, how do you keep doctors down on the farm?