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Robot jock attempts a triathlon

Sep 15, 2011
Tomotaka Takahashi's tiny, green and white robot has already scaled the Grand Canyon and raced for 24 hours at Le Mans. So why not modify the...

VIDEO: Two Chatbots talk about God, unicorns, and truth

Aug 29, 2011
Researchers at Cornell have been working on a chatbot called Cleverbot. A chatbot is a piece of software or a robot or something designed to hold...

Robots can learn, and there's no way this will ever go wrong.

Aug 3, 2011
In a move that has absolutely no downsides, scientists in Japan have built a robot that can think, learn and do things it hasn't been programmed to...

The robots are coming! Or, how to spoil a pefectly nice dance party.

Aug 1, 2011
Foxconn, the Taiwanese company that assembles Apple's iPhones and iPads, is reportedly planning to "hire" 1 million robots to take on the boring,...

Greatest hits of the EOL Robot Band

Jul 19, 2011
On our Wednesday show, we hear the latest hottest greatest single from a band of robots....

Robots AND pirates together in one blog item

Jul 14, 2011
It's tough to do your job if it entails sailing to the Indian Ocean for research. That's what climate scientists found out while trying to conduct...

Finally someone puts a robot in a movie!

Jul 12, 2011
This weekend in NYC, the Robot Film Festival will screen several short films all featuring robots. Heather Knight, of Marilyn Robotic and Carnegie...

For public good, not for profit.

Japanese gut colon robot is improbably called the Mermaid

Jun 30, 2011
Japanese researchers have developed a new camera that can swim in your colon, if that's something that sounds like a good idea in your mind. The...

Robot hummingbirds!

Jun 20, 2011
Remember when you were a kid and watch The Wizard of Oz and you cowered in terror from those awful flying monkeys? But then you realized that evil...

The military wants to put a lot more robots in the air

Jun 1, 2011
The Pentagon released its Aircraft Procurement Plan 2012-2041 (2041! Will we all be using Jetpacks then? We probably won't even be using phones...