Protests continue in Spain over budget cuts

Sep 26, 2012
More protests are expected in Spain today after some big demonstrations last night. There's outrage over a new round of budget cuts as Spain tries to avoid becoming the next Greece.

Chinese protest Japanese companies during island dispute

Sep 17, 2012
Several major Japanese companies are shutting down some operations in China, citing concerns about the safety of their workers.

A new civil rights march in Alabama this week

Mar 5, 2012
African-Americans and Latino activists march this week from Selma to Montgomery to protest voter ID laws and Alabama’s new immigration measures.

In Russia, traffic jams are a little different

Feb 8, 2012
Traffic jams are a nightmare in Russia. But for some high ranking officials, breaking free is as simple as turning on a light.

For some in Egypt -- enough protests already!

Jan 27, 2012
For a year, protesters in Cairo’s Tahrir Square have demanded freedom and economic opportunity. Some say it’s time now to stop the protests.

For public good, not for profit.

In midst of protests, Russian billionaire announces bid for presidency

Dec 13, 2011
Russian citizens have been protesting against corruption in their country. Now, billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov is running against Vladimir Putin in the upcoming elections.

Massive protest planned in Russia

Dec 9, 2011
The biggest anti-Kremlin demonstration in recent Russian history is planned for tomorrow. It follows smaller protests all this week, after Russian elections delivered a victory to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's ruling political party

How China is feeling the euro debt crisis

Dec 9, 2011
The crisis in Europe has hurt worldwide demand for goods, and workers in China are protesting against the lost wages that come with decreased output