Russian cyberattack "should wake us up," former Air Force officer says

Former Maj. Gen. Robert Latiff talks about the strategy behind the hacks.
Leon Neal/Getty Images

Some Puerto Ricans refuse to leave their island, despite lack of power

Dec 1, 2017
"That was horrible. It’s an experience that I don't ever want to live through again."
Glorimar Rivera outside her home in Hatillo, Puerto Rico.
Joanne Griffith/Marketplace

Getting power back to millions in Florida won't be easy

Sep 11, 2017
The country has a 100-year-old grid system and more frequent extreme storms, reporter Scott Tong says. Will the state "build back better"?
A couple walks through the flooded streets of Naples, Florida, today. Hurricane Irma made another landfall near Naples yesterday after inundating the Florida Keys. Electricity was out in much of the region.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Cyberattack causes an outage in western Ukraine

Jan 12, 2016
It's the first known outage caused by a cyberattack, and it could happen in the U.S.

Can America weather a cyber attack on its power grid?

Dec 1, 2015
A conversation with former ABC News anchor Ted Koppel.

This war game tests vulnerability of the power grid

Nov 19, 2015
In a war game, utilities face all sorts of challenges: saboteurs, storms, squirrels.

Backing up the power grid with homemade electricity

Jun 19, 2015
Connecticut is trying microgrids that keep going when the main utility fails.

For public good, not for profit.

Fuel cells offer cities an alternative to the grid

Jun 19, 2015
Bridgeport, Conn., is taking measures to rely more on locally made power.

When the power grid fails

Jun 18, 2015
Three storms in Connecticut knocked out some residents' power for more than a week

A call to invest in safety of the power grid

Apr 21, 2015
Department of Energy proposes billions in investment in power grid infrastructure.