The drive-in movie theater isn't dead. Not yet at least.

Sep 2, 2013
There are only about 300 drive-in theaters left in the U.S., and the shift to digital projection may eliminate most of the survivors.

Historic theaters reopening in small Georgia towns

Jun 26, 2013
In the age of multiplexes, hundreds of small American towns have historic theaters that sit empty. But one of the country's largest old-time theaters hopes to reverse that trend.

Merry Hollywood returns

Dec 25, 2012
Two big movies open today -- "Les Miserables" and "Django Unchained." Overall, movie attendance is up this year. And that's after two years of ticket declines. So what's got movie industry singing?

Chinese company Wanda to buy 5,000 AMC cinema screens

May 21, 2012
It’s a lot of money, but Chinese ownership is no big deal for most Americans.