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The summer of super PAC money

Sep 21, 2012
Democratic super PACs gained ground against GOP counterparts and raised big bucks in August

Income level way down the list of presidential predictors

Sep 20, 2012
Frank Newport of Gallup drops by to school us on just what factors truly effect how we vote for the president. Spoiler alert: gaffes like Romney's "47 percent" aren't one of them.

Do Americans want less government?

Sep 20, 2012
Mitt Romney and President Obama will be crisscrossing the state of Florida today. In recent weeks, one issue is becoming central to the campaign: Whether the government is over-regulating business.

The 47% who don't pay federal income tax include middle class, poor, retirees

Sep 18, 2012
Mitt Romney wasn't wrong when he said almost half of Americans don't pay federal income taxes. Some of those people are retired, some are poor. Another big reason why some don't pay? Tax cuts.

The numbers behind Mitt Romney's 47% comment

Sep 18, 2012
Mitt Romney is standing by his words from a private fundraiser that were caught on videotape. In the video, Romney says 47 percent of the country pay no income tax and are therefore predisposed to vote for President Obama.

Mitt Romney criticized over comments about taxes

Sep 18, 2012
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney says 47 percent of Americans pay no net income tax -- ergo, they are predisposed to vote for President Obama. We break down the numbers.

Mitt Romney to address U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Sep 17, 2012
This morning Mitt Romney is set to speak before the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Romney seems to have achieved a small bounce among Hispanics after the Republican National Convention. Today is another chance to reach out to those critical voters.

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