Medicare enrollment confusion could cost us cash

Oct 14, 2013
Medicare enrollment is already confusing enough. The new health care exchanges will only make it more so. And that could end up being costly for taxpayers.

Federal cuts threaten healthcare fraud investigations

Jul 3, 2013
Staffing cuts at the Department of Health and Human Services mean fewer cases of Medicare, Medicaid fraud are investigated.

How Medicare Part D changed the drug industry

May 22, 2013
The prescription drug plan has created millions of senior customers for the pharmaceutical industry over ten years.

What if you got less Social Security if you didn't need it as much?

Apr 11, 2013
Current recipients have different reactions. Some scholars say basing the amount of payments on need could make the program less popular.

Bush adviser Glenn Hubbard on how to make entitlement reform fair

Apr 9, 2013
Glenn Hubbard, former Chair of the White House Economic Council of Advisers under President George W. Bush, discusses the entitlement reform, the economic recovery, and taxes.

Medicare's unexpected beneficiaries

Nov 2, 2012
The government medical program for the elderly means seniors and their families have more money to spend on other things.

Checking up on Medicare

Oct 16, 2012
Just in time for the second presidential debate, Medicare, the patient, goes to see "Dr. Obama" and "Dr. Romney."

For public good, not for profit.

Voters pessimistic about Medicare's future

Oct 11, 2012
Vice President Joe Biden will face Congressman Paul Ryan on the debate stage tonight, and Paul Ryan's Medicare plan is sure to be a hot topic. Polling shows most Americans are against Ryan's voucher proposal, but do recognize the need for system reforms.

Medicare: Is it really the 'third rail' of politics?

Oct 4, 2012
Some efforts to change the government health care program for seniors has triggered fireworks; others, not so much.