Stories Tagged as
Alabama on the fence about taking money for Medicaid
Gigi Douban
Sep 18, 2012
Alabama joins a slew of lawmakers who are ambivalent about taking funds from the Fed to cover the millions more people who will become eligible for Medicaid under Obamacare.
Aetna buys Coventry Health Care in a Medicaid land grab
Aug 20, 2012
The $5.7 billion deal with let Aetna double its number of Medicaid members.
In Oregon, health reform is welcome
Aug 8, 2012
Oregon will take federal money to expand Medicaid, and try to cut costs too.
Health care law could reduce government costs
Jul 25, 2012
A report from the Congressional Budget office says President Obama's health care law could save the federal government $84 billion over the next decade. That savings is mostly because of the Supreme Court ruling last month, and a part of the law it ruled out.
Who gets Medicaid and who doesn't?
Jul 24, 2012
It's supposed to be a health care program for the poor. But over the years, the definition of poor has changed.
WellPoint gears up for Medicaid bonanza
Jul 9, 2012
The giant health insurer will acquire competitor Amerigroup Corp. for nearly $5 billion in a bid for more Medicaid business.
Hospital lobbyists gear up after health care ruling
Jul 6, 2012
They stand to gain big if states expand Medicaid. But it's going to be a battle, and states like Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina have already said they don't want to expand the program.
For public good, not for profit.
Kansas City grandma worries about Medicare
Mar 13, 2012
In this election year, commentator Emma Williams fears the health care program for seniors and the disabled will become a political football.
Washington state will limit Medicaid payments
Mar 7, 2012
As states and the federal government look for ways to trim budgets, Medicaid appears on the chopping block. And Washington state is scheduled to cut payments for some emergency room visits.
Animated Short: The Amazing Health Care Arms Race
Sep 13, 2011
At the crossroads of our national debate about jobs and our national debate about health care debt...
Is the (fictional) city of Hobbs. Its ...