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Apple's iOS Maps leaves off transit lines

Jun 20, 2012
Public transportation advocates are miffed that Apple has left off directions to bus and train stops from its new mapping software.

Google Maps: Cartographer's Revenge!

Sep 13, 2011
No, that's not a movie title, and you're welcome for never having to sit through it (although it might have a few... points of interest). Google...

Google Maps offers live transit updates

Jun 8, 2011
Not sure if this is helpful or not but that kind of thing never matters to Google. They just build it. Residents of four American and two European...

Google Maps goes crowd source

Apr 20, 2011
Google announced yesterday that it will soon roll out a feature that crowd sources the Google Maps feature. It's called Google Map Maker and it...

Google getting edged out of China

Mar 30, 2011
Google search was yanked out of China a year ago. Recently, Chinese users have been seeing slowed Gmail service (which Google claims is the result...

MAP: U.S. foreign aid to the Middle East and South Asia

Feb 16, 2011
Since the end of World War II, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has worked to further America's foreign policy inte...

You are what you drink...

Jan 28, 2011
Whatever you call it -- soda, pop, cola -- it's hard to deny the simple pleasure of a cool, sugary, soft drink, despite how unhealthy it may be....

For public good, not for profit.

Play tech's Great Game

Aug 31, 2010
So we read lots and lots of tech headlines at this show. Facebook's after Foursquare's market; Apple's after Microsoft; Google's after everyone&...