Would you let your doctor own what you say online?

Dec 1, 2011
Patients are beginning to challenge the legality of the "privacy agreements" that some medical offices are enforcing as a way for doctors to control what's said about him or her online.

Judge strikes down SEC deal with Citigroup

Nov 28, 2011
A district judge said the SEC's proposed $285 million settlement with Citigroup over the sale of toxic mortgage debt was not in the public interest.

Some cities asking Occupy protesters to clear out

Nov 11, 2011
The mayor of Portland, Ore., is giving demonstrators until midnight Saturday. Oakland's police union wants protesters out too. But organized labor's building inroads.

Shareholders could loosen Murdoch's grip on News Corp.

Oct 21, 2011
A group of dissident investors will be putting Rupert Murdoch in the crosshairs at the company's annual shareholder meeting.

News Corp. on the grill

Oct 21, 2011
Rupert Murdoch faces shareholders at today's annual meeting in Los Angeles

Massachusetts abolishes lifetime alimony in most cases

Sep 30, 2011
The tough economy has forced lawmakers to reform antiquated rules. In Massachusetts, that means cutting out lifetime payments to former spouses.

Gay servicemembers demand greater equality

Sep 30, 2011
Gay men and women can now openly serve in the military. But they say there is still a large gap between the benefits gay and straight servicemembers receive.

For public good, not for profit.

Shipping company causes dispute on high seas

Aug 31, 2011
Cosco, one of the world's largest shipping companies, is refusing to pay for some ships that it chartered long-term in 2008. Ship owners are threatening to battle back.

White House says removing redundant regulations will grow jobs

Aug 23, 2011
The White House reveals a plan to remove business regulations -- from duplicate gas pump rules to a streamlined environmental filing system. Officials hope it will save businesses money, and eventually urge on hiring.

Can Verizon hear them now?

Aug 9, 2011
More than 40,000 workers continue to strike