Austere living in Ireland

Dec 9, 2011
Ireland has been in an economic decline since before 2008 and is gearing up for a second round of austerity cuts. We talk to an Irish family about how they're coping in the slumping economy.
Penny and Brendan Fogarty with their children Andrew and Emma. They live in Dublin.
Courtesy of the Forgarty family

Have austerity measures worked in Ireland?

Dec 6, 2011
Ireland was bailed out a year ago, and it is now facing another round of austerity measures. How are the Irish people faring in these stricter conditions?

Ireland seeks debt relief help from Europe

Nov 24, 2011
Ireland's banks were bailed out last year, but now it says it needs more money from Europe to help cover the costs of that bailout.

MID-DAY UPDATE: Violence escalates in Libya, concerns mount over rising oil prices

Feb 25, 2011
Violent protests continue today in Libya. After reports of mass killings of anti-government protesters, the United Nations top human rights office...

MIDDAY UPDATE: Groupon and the Fed

Dec 1, 2010
All eyes were on Google today and the Internet mega-corp deliberates on buying the up-and-coming Groupon. In a move that can only be seen as...

MIDDAY UPDATE: Sustainability and Cyber-Monday

Nov 29, 2010
Today is "Cyber-Moday," Black Friday for e-tailers. It is statistically the least productive work day, because employees log onto super sales to...

For public good, not for profit.

Irish bailout: Ireland receives $113 billion to save banks, pay down deficit

Nov 29, 2010
UPDATE: Ireland will receive a $113 billion bailout from the European Union and International Monetary Fund to save its banks and pay down its de...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Black Friday, how would the Better Business Bureau rate itself?

Nov 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving! After that big dinner, many people will gear up for Black Friday shopping. There are deals galore to be had, and a new retailer...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Ireland in the spotlight

Nov 22, 2010
Today's big story was Ireland. Yesterday, the country agreed to a bailout from The European Central Bank and the IMF, though the terms and...