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Neil Young: Good music is like an amazing drug

Mar 13, 2014
You can almost imagine vinyl lovers of all ages picking it up.

The sound of music: iTunes store turns 10

Apr 26, 2013
In just a decade, Apple's music-buying service has redefined the music industry and the way we listen.

Crap technology, not crappy

Dec 1, 2011
Thomas Hayden discusses the advantages of using what he calls "crap" technology.

What Steve Jobs did for public radio

Oct 6, 2011
There's been a lot of talk about all the industries that Steve Jobs changed over the course of his long career. Well here's another: public radi...

Free El Cinco arriving September 7?

Aug 12, 2011
Okay. Find a salt shaker. Unscrew the cap. Drink all the salt. NOW you can read this item....

The iPod is dead

Jun 16, 2011
That's the hasty conclusion that I'm going to go ahead and jump to, based on the new back to school offering from Apple. For the last several years...

For public good, not for profit.

Rumor roundup on iPhone

Apr 25, 2011
The mobile phone blog BGR has an exclusive of what it says is a test model of a T-Mobile iPhone. Does this mean that Big Purple (aka RC Cola) will...

Zune player dies, Zune lives on

Mar 15, 2011
Microsoft will no longer make Zune music players citing weak demand and a desire to focus on the smartphone market. This should come as no shock to...