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Password breach renews focus on authentication

Aug 7, 2014
What does the future hold for passwords after another breach?
A Facebook login page. Terms of Services agreements for such services have received renewed recent attention.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

The heartache of Heartbleed

Apr 9, 2014
A security flaw in OpenSSL could allow a hacker to decrypt your personal information.

An alternative to the Internet?

Sep 10, 2013
Worried about NSA surveillance? One option is to operate on an entirely separate network.

NSA working to undermine the last ten years of encryption

Sep 9, 2013
New information about NSA surveillance activity emerges. Even encrypted data is vulnerable to its data mining.

More privacy concerns as leaks emerge that NSA can break encrypted data

Sep 6, 2013
More NSA revelations means even more concern about online privacy.