Concert will rain charity on Sandy victims

Dec 11, 2012
The 121212 concert in New York’s Madison Square Garden has raised more than $30 million, and the show hasn’t even started.

Markets react to fiscal cliff talks

Nov 30, 2012
Markets fell yesterday just moments after House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said no substantive progress had been made in the latest fiscal cliff negotiations.

In holiday season, Sandy repairs continue -- and add up

Nov 23, 2012
Hurricane Sandy caused damage and pain across several states. With the clean-up still in its first stages, rebuilding and repairing could become an economic boost.

Rental cars scarce in NYC for Thanksgiving

Nov 22, 2012
Hurricane Sandy damaged hundreds of thousands of cars, so it's been tough to find a rental in time for holiday travel.

Moral hazard: Should taxpayers have to bail out disaster-prone regions?

Nov 21, 2012
When a hurricane costs billions to clean up, who should foot the bill?

Long Island Power slammed for slow Sandy response

Nov 19, 2012
Three weeks after Hurricane Sandy power has been restored for most people affected by the storm. But the embattled LIPA is still dealing with a wave of criticism over its performance.

Displaced NYC marathoners run in Philadelphia

Nov 19, 2012
New York officials decided to scrap the New York Marathon in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. The cancellation may be an economic boon for another marathon just down the road.

For public good, not for profit.

A New York gas station is back in business

Nov 16, 2012
Checking back in with a gas station manager in Pelham, N.Y., after his station gets fuel.

Desperate for gas, some resort to stealing

Nov 16, 2012
New York and New Jersey will end gas rationing programs that were put place in some areas post-Sandy. As demand continues to outstrip supply, some people are going to extreme measures to find or steal gas.

Firms point finger at Sandy for poor results

Nov 14, 2012
The recent storm is being blamed by firms who see a drop in profits or performance, but some doubt the poor results can really be blamed on the weather.