When horses fly

Jun 2, 2015
Leg room costs extra on flights, whether you have two feet or four.

Pricing a child's plea for equine ownership

Nov 19, 2014
While it is expensive to buy and care for a horse, parents say the experience is worth it.

Federal judge continues ban on horse meat

Aug 5, 2013
Domestic horse meat processors had been hoping to reopen two slaughterhouses.

And the horse meat debate gallops on

Mar 1, 2013
These arguments we're having about eating horse meat, they sound kind of familiar.

Drugged-up American horsemeat sold to Europe

Dec 11, 2012
About 140,000 horses from the U.S. were sold to be eaten abroad. But some horses were never meant for human consumption.

Dressage is not your average horse play

Jul 31, 2012
Mitt and Ann Romney are bringing new attention to the elite sport and sport of the elite -- by co-owning an Olympic horse.

For public good, not for profit.

Horse rescuers penned in by recession

Jun 23, 2009
At a time when horse rescue centers are dealing with increasing requests to take in animals, they're facing a decrease in funding.