Stories Tagged as
Great britain
Why the U.K. is threatening to tear up part of its Brexit treaty with the European Union
May 27, 2022
The British move to change unilaterally part of its withdrawal deal with the EU could trigger a trade war with the bloc.
EU offers to extend Brexit deadline to Halloween
Apr 10, 2019
British Prime Minister Theresa May still has to agree to the offer.
May Day: UK Parliament rejects prime minister’s Brexit deal
Mar 12, 2019
Great Britain is without a plan just 17 days before the country's proposed exit from the European Union.
Two years after the Brexit vote, many businesses remain anxious
Jun 22, 2018
This weekend marks two years since Britain held its referendum on exiting the European Union and voters told their leaders they want to leave the bloc. Since then, the British government has been negotiating the conditions of Brexit on issues such as the single market, customs union and movement of labor. The scheduled exit date, […]