Things are great at Foxconn say inspectors

Feb 17, 2012
Those manufacturing plants in China where everything is supposed to be pretty horrible and workers are treated horribly while making the electronics us decadent Americans depend on? Turns out they’re FINE, says the Fair Labor Alliance the non-profit group Apple has enlisted to inspect facilities in the wake of a bunch of complaints and worker […]

Chinese laborers take drastic measures for a raise

Jan 11, 2012
Workers at a Foxconn factory that makes iPhones all threatened to jump from the top of the building if they didn't get a raise. But these aren't the only workers protesting work conditions and pay in the country.

Apple cuts iPad 2 production by 25%

Sep 26, 2011
Bloomberg is reporting that Apple is reducing orders all along the Chinese supply chain for the iPad 2, which will also mean a significant...

El Cinco machines fired up and pumping out units

Sep 8, 2011
(We call the imminent iPhone 5 "El Cinco" around these parts because it enhances the air of mystery surrounding the product). All Things D reports...

For public good, not for profit.

The robots are coming! Or, how to spoil a pefectly nice dance party.

Aug 1, 2011
Foxconn, the Taiwanese company that assembles Apple's iPhones and iPads, is reportedly planning to "hire" 1 million robots to take on the boring,...

Foxconn closes Chengdu facility

May 24, 2011
Not something that I love talking about because it seems so crass but the explosion at Foxconn's Chengdu factory in China looks to have a big...

Third Foxconn worker dies

May 23, 2011
An explosion of combustible dust at a Foxconn manufacturing facility has resulted in a third death. The victim was a worker at the Foxconn plant in...