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Inflation hits 17-year high

Aug 14, 2008
The July Consumer Price Index rose more than expected, as the average weekly earnings fell in the same month. But how does that mesh with plummeting home prices? Mitchell Hartman reports.

Corruption kept quiet during Olympics

Aug 13, 2008
News of a Chinese food safety official committing suicide has been kept hushed for 11 days. Why would something so big be kept under wraps? Scott Jagow talks to Scott Tong about the need for cover-up during the big games.

Freezing out copycat ice cream trucks

Aug 11, 2008
I scream, you scream, we all scream for... trademark infringement? Joel Rose has more on ice cream truck company Mister Softee's legal battle against imposters.

Safeway expands organic brand's sales

Aug 8, 2008
Some consumers are pushing their carts away from more expensive natural and organic brand names. So the Safeway grocery chain is offering its cheaper organic label -- even for competitors' shelves. Renita Jablonski reports.

Adjusting to the veggie lifestyle

Aug 8, 2008
Going vegetarian has got a lot of buzz these days, but what does it take to get acclimated to an entirely new diet, both for your stomach and your wallet? Cash Peters reports.

Corn prices pop ADM's ethanol profits

Aug 6, 2008
Rising costs have driven Archer Daniels Midland, the world's largest grain processor, to plan a move away from corn as the primary component in its ethanol production. Dan Grech reports.

U.K. McDonald's seeking McWorkers

Aug 6, 2008
Despite critics of fast food, McDonald's is doing surprisingly well in England. So the company is looking to add 4,000 new workers to its staff. But Stephen Beard report "McJobs" still have a nefarious reputation.

For public good, not for profit.

Get ready for the Almost-a-Dollar menu

Aug 4, 2008
The down economy has consumers turning to fast food to cut costs, but rising commodity prices mean places with Dollar Menus like McDonald's may have to consider some inflation of their own. Rico Gagliano reports.

Fast food takes off during tough times

Jul 30, 2008
As the economy slides down, burgers sales start sizzling. Jeremy Hobson reports as a part of an ongoing series of unusual economic indicators.

LA to fast food: Not so fast

Jul 30, 2008
The Los Angeles City Council has passed a year-long ban on new fast food chains going into South Los Angeles, one of the city's most obese neighborhoods. But not everyone is happy about the ordinance. Renita Jablonski has more.