Global markets tank on concerns over Federal Reserve meeting

Feb 21, 2013
On Wednesday, the central bank released meeting minutes which showed division over whether to continue its stimulative policy of quantitative easing.

U.S. production falls, Chevy Silverado stalls

Feb 15, 2013
The Federal Reserve said this morning that production at U.S. factories declined last month after two months of gains. Industrial production fell by 0.4 percent.

Another Fed meeting... Why bother?

Jan 30, 2013
With interest rates locked near zero until 6.5 percent unemployment, what's the point of meeting until then?

Giving credit to the government for the bailout

Jan 24, 2013
Alan Blinder, an economist and former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve, discusses why he thinks the government doesn't get enough credit for saving the U.S. economy from a much worse fate.

Fed transcripts from 2007 show divided board

Jan 18, 2013
Newly released transcripts from 2007 show Federal Reserve officials were slow to act as the economy slid into recession.

Expectations shift as Fed releases new details

Jan 9, 2013
The Federal Reserve has released the minutes from its meeting in mid-December where the Fed's announced a major shift in it's policy.

Federal Reserve turns $90 billion profit

Dec 31, 2012
New data capture the scope of profits at the U.S. Federal Reserve, estimated to be $90 billion this year.

For public good, not for profit.

What it will take to get a 6.5% unemployment rate

Dec 14, 2012
The Federal Reserve says it will keep interest rates near zero until the unemployment rate drops to 6.5 percent. But what will it take to get there?

Optimism at the mall: Retail sales up

Dec 13, 2012
Despite some worries about consumer demand this holiday season, U.S. retail sales rose 0.3% in November.

What did the Fed just do?

Dec 13, 2012
What did Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke do yesterday? He put speed limit signs up on the freeway.
Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernake pauses while speaking during a press briefing at the Federal Reserve 11, 2012 in Washington, D.C.