Watertown, Boston suburbs on lockdown as search for suspect intensifies

Apr 19, 2013
As a manhunt for one of suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings intensifies this morning, authorities are asking residents of Watertown, MA., and other towns nearby to stay in their homes. Public transit has been suspended and businesses are being asked to remain closed.

Could Reddit sleuths cause harm in their quest to aid the Boston bombing investigation?

Apr 18, 2013
The U.S. Attorneys' Office and the FBI have been releasing official reports about their investigation of the Boston Marathon bombing, but there's also been amateur sleuthing taking place online at sites like Reddit and 4Chan.

FBI uses social networking to track suspects

Nov 26, 2012
Fraudsters beware, the FBI is giving a new meaning to "following" a suspect.

New York Fed target of alleged bomb plot

Oct 17, 2012
The FBI has arrested a man after they say he tried to detonate a bomb in a van parked outside the Fed building in Lower Manhattan.

FBI busts online thieves, Orbitz checks your computer type

Jun 27, 2012
The FBI announces busts, and the travel website Orbitz tailors its results to your machine.

FBI investigating JPMorgan for criminal behavior

May 16, 2012
The FBI is investigating possible criminal behavior at JPMorgan Chase after that $2 billion trading loss disclosed by the bank the other day.

Google's search changes not all that dramatic

Mar 16, 2012
Plus, the FBI wants Google’s help unlocking a phone, and the iPad battles a robot vacuum cleaner.

For public good, not for profit.