Keystone XL vetoed, and the Eurozone kicks the can

Feb 24, 2015
The line of the day goes to President Obama, by way of the Marketplace Desk of News We Could have Told You Yesterday.

Brussels finance talks have Greeks feeling cornered

Feb 17, 2015
Many Greeks leaving the eurozone as a huge waste of time and money.

What if Greece really does leave eurozone?

Feb 9, 2015
As the country rejects austerity programs, other members fret about the impact.

Why Greece stays in the eurozone

Jan 23, 2015
Greeks trust European officials more than their own politicians, fear financial turmoil.

Greece prepares to vote, eurozone worries

Jan 23, 2015
The party leading in the polls wants to renegotiate Greece's bailout deals.

Europe considers quantitative easing

Jan 21, 2015
Move by European Central Bank could boost moribund eurozone economy.

Lithuania embraces the Euro

Jan 13, 2015
Lithuania has taken its old currency, the Litas, out of circulation.

For public good, not for profit.

Lithuania rings in the new year with a new currency

Jan 1, 2015
It's the 19th state to adopt the euro.

"If Spain had the capability of the NSA, they'd do it too."

Oct 28, 2013
The BBC's Tom Burridge takes the temperature of Spaniards in Madrid over allegations of NSA call-monitoring.

Better economic outlook for Italy after Prime Minister wins confidence vote

Oct 2, 2013
Current Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta survived a confidence vote by a wide margin on Wednesday.