Cyprus banks re-open to crowds of eager customers

Mar 28, 2013
Banks in Cyprus have just re-opened for the first time in two weeks. Although there are tough restrictions on just how much cash customers can withdraw and what they can do with that money once they have it.

A view from inside the crisis in Cyprus

Mar 26, 2013
Fears of capital flight keep banks closed in Cyprus until Thursday. How are local businesses and individuals reacting to the shutdown?

What just happened in Cyprus? An explainer

Mar 25, 2013
The moral of the story of the near collapse of Cyprus' banking system is that when a saving rate looks too good to be true, it probably is.
A man uses an ATM machine of the Bank Of Cyprus on March 24, 2013 in Limassol, Cyprus.
Milos Bicanski/Getty Images

Cyprus avoids bankruptcy with $13 billion bailout deal

Mar 25, 2013
After more than a week of turmoil, eurozone finance ministers reached a last minute deal to grant Cyprus a $13 billion bailout.

It's going to be a long weekend for Cyprus

Mar 22, 2013
The European Central Bank has given the small island nation until Monday to agree on a new plan to raise billions of dollars and avoid bankruptcy.

Global markets watch and wait for Cyprus

Mar 21, 2013
Diane Swonk, chief economist with Mesirow Financial, discusses how the situation in Cyprus could affect the global economy.

European Central Bank to Cyprus: Now or never

Mar 21, 2013
Cyprus has until Monday to come up with a new bailout package after the parliament rejected the initial plan that called for a controversial tax on the country’s bank deposits.

For public good, not for profit.

European Central Bank pressures Cyprus for new bailout deal

Mar 21, 2013
The European Central Bank has given the Cyprus just a few days to come up with a new bailout deal after the Cypriot parliament rejected a controversial tax on bank deposits as part of its original bailout plan.

No tax, no bailout? A worst case scenario for Cyprus

Mar 20, 2013
Cyprus is in turmoil following the decision last night by its parliament to reject a bailout plan from the eurozone. The plan entailed a one-off tax of up to 10 percent on Cypriot bank accounts.

Cypriots protest bank deposit tax

Mar 19, 2013
Later today, the government of Cyprus will vote on a controversial bailout plan which would tax bank deposits up to 10 percent. The BBC's Nigel Cassidy in Cyprus discusses public reaction to the plan and whether the government will actually pass the measure.