Should you be concerned about the NSA's surveillance programs?

Aug 12, 2013
Government surveillance, shifting opinions, and the end of email.

Gmail's new inbox sorts spam and bacon

Jul 29, 2013
Google changed its popular free email service Gmail last week. Where once there was one true inbox, now there seems to be three.

Yahoo will give you your name back

Jun 13, 2013
Yahoo is giving you a shot at reclaiming your good name. It’s shutting down accounts that have been dormant for more than a year, meaning a pile of usernames will soon be available for the taking in mid-July.

Happy birthday, spam! On what 35 years of spam has gotten us

May 3, 2013
Thirty five years ago today, Gary Thuerk sent out the first spam email. We mark the anniversary by trying to track down a spammer ourselves.
A computer screen inbox displaying spam emails.

Respond to emails on the same day? You're probably a negative person

Apr 29, 2013
A study says that negative people are 36 percent more likely to respond to emails within 24 hours.

How easy is it for the IRS to go through your email?

Apr 15, 2013
Are you sure there's nothing in your email that would contradict that tax form you are about to sign? Civil liberties advocates are using this tax return deadline to criticize federal law that doesn't see email as all that private.

Inbox overload: How to time your emails for less stress

Apr 3, 2013
When it comes to your email, how soon are you expected to reply? And when is it ok to delay?

For public good, not for profit.

Gmail fail? Microsoft says it has a new Outlook

Feb 19, 2013
Microsoft is launching a $30 million ad campaign today to promote -- a new product meant to compete with Internet-based email systems like Google Inc.’s Gmail.

XOXO: What your email sign-off says about you

Feb 15, 2013
"XOXO" has long been the symbol for a kiss and a hug, but a pair of writers say that it's commonly becoming used as a way to sign-off an email message -- even at the workplace. How does your digital sign-off affect how others perceive you at the office?

The science behind Obama's fundraising emails

Nov 29, 2012
"Casual" and "frequent" seem to be the formula for campaign fundraising emails.